I’m honored with a natural apple tree in my back yard. I don’t have the foggiest idea about the assortment it produces. It only like the Granny Smith apples assortment – that is supposedly. I’m not a green fingered master, nor do I have a lot of interest in cultivating. mele biologiche

This tree was at that point established when we achieved the property 7 quite a while back. It has consistently and routinely created organic product throughout the long term. Since the natural product is something else for cooking, my advantage in taking care of it is right around nothing.

So I seldom keep an eye on it or prune it. Albeit, this year we had to chop down the over draping branches into our neighbors garden. Separated structure that, the tree has become uninhabited. By and by, the tree has delivered natural product in changing amounts over years. So this year, no amazed, that even with my absence of information and interest in caring for the tree, that I had the option to reap enough organic product to make my #1 treat, apple disintegrate… Well apple disintegrate.

As I accumulated the organic product I planned to utilize, I saw the same amount of apples on the ground as I found in the tree. I pondered internally it is sad, that a great deal of apples tumbled to the ground decaying endlessly or tainted by either bugs or parasitic. In the event that I could be somewhat more dynamic in taking care of the tree, I accept that this can lessen the loss up to 10 %. By the by, it is a pity that I am not wiling to invest the energy to invest the energy.

To me I would be intrigued to see whether any other person feels something very similar. Or then again is it just me? Does anybody know a simple way (rocker method for forestalling) or diminish such waste. Not that I mean to sell the produce, it is more to offer it to companions and to make more apple crumble…. well… natural apple disintegrate.