PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious anxiety disorder that requires therapy. A person may experience the disorder following a traumatic event that involves serious injury, threatened death, or a threat to physical integrity. Generally, people who have worked in the military tend to suffer from PTSD. Familiar sounds or sights can trigger memories of traumatic events when they return from combat. 

Although psychological issues are more common among veterans, anyone can develop PTSD if they experience a traumatic event. Individuals who have been involved in a car accident are more likely to struggle with the disorder. Regardless of how serious the incident or how severe the injuries might be, it would be perceived as a traumatic experience. As everyone is unique, their perception and response to a car accident would be different. Hence, some individuals may struggle to carry on with their normal life, whereas, others might not even experience any problems whatsoever.  

Symptoms of PTSD 

If you or someone you know has been involved in a motor vehicle accident, the following symptoms are likely to be observed. 

  • Depression: Loss of interest and feelings of sadness are quite common. You might not want to pursue activities that you found interesting previously. In addition to this, self-esteem, concentration, energy level, appetite, and sleep issues can also occur.
  • An Increase in Physical Arousal: Disturbed sleep, irritability, and exaggerated startle.
  • Numbing: An absence or reduction in emotions and feeling detached from the world.
  • Constant Avoidance of Situations or Thoughts Associate to the Incident: Refusal or reluctance to drive to a certain part of town or under certain conditions such as when it is dark or raining. 
  • Re-Experiencing the Trauma Psychologically: Distressing dreams, intrusive thoughts, and flashbacks about the incident can take a toll on your life. Even if you might have not sustained any injuries, re-experiencing the trauma psychologically can be difficult to deal with. 

Despite the fact that you might not immediately experience the above symptoms, it is possible to suffer from any of these symptoms. Most of the symptoms tend to only manifest when you do something that triggers the encounter. It could be anything that reminds you of the incident such as smell, sound, or sight. For instance, you might think that everything is fine until the sight of cars driving or the sound of the horn reminds you of the terrible experience you had. Even looking at a similar vehicle as the one that struck your car could affect your mental health. 

According to the American Family Physician Foundation, the following questions can help you determine if you are suffering from PTSD and suggest the need for therapy. 

  • Nightmares or Flashbacks of the Incident: You might have slow-motion replays, nightmares, and daydreams involving the accident. The thoughts can be unwanted and rather intrusive. They are likely to make you experience feelings of horror, helplessness, and anxiety. In some cases, amnesia is also possible such as when patients experience head trauma.  
  • Difficulty Traveling or Driving in Vehicles Following the Incident: It is quite common for car accident victims to experience stress whenever they ride or drive. In fact, you might impose limitations on your driving such as only driving on the city streets or in daylight. 

It is not necessary for someone to develop PTSD only when the vehicle accident leads to life-threatening injuries or car being totaled. The perception you have of the incident would influence whether you find it to be traumatic or not.

If you suffer from any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is important that you receive medical attention before the situation gets worse. A primary care physician will conduct an initial evaluation to find out whether you require psychological treatment or not. Early screening is highly recommended for anyone who might be struggling with PTSD. It is the only way that you can put an end to the symptoms. 

Hire the Best Kansas City Personal Injury Lawyer 

To seek compensation for PTSD treatment and the impact the accident has had on your life, you need to hire the best Kansas City personal Injury Lawyer. This is where Langdon & Emison truly shines. We can help you cover the expenses for therapy and other costs that you have incurred such as for car repairs. Nothing is more important to us than to help out clients with everything. All you have to do is reach out to us for a free consultation. 

As we employ highly experienced attorneys, we are here for you. We put in the effort to ensure that you get the justice that you deserve. No matter whether you have PTSD or not following the accident, we will provide all the assistance you need. You just have to let us know the details and we will take it from there.