But the fact remains that they are driving the billion-dollar Internet porn
industry and making their owners a scat4you fortune.
Non-porn Internet Marketers can learn from these tactics to boost their sales
as well.
I don’t condone the use of these tactics, but I do condone adapting them!
You may have to adjust them to suit your industry and your personal ethical
boundaries, but with a little imagination you should have no problem boosting
your response dramatically with these tactics.
- Tricky Credit Card Upgrades
How it Works
You’re surfing along and you’re hot for the full length version of that short
sexy video clip you just watched.
All of a sudden, before you can view it, you find you’ve got one quick step
before you can get the goods.
For one of several reasons, you’re asked for your credit card and you happily
give it. A few days later, your card is charged for a full one year’s subscription.
The reason for giving them the credit card varies.
It could be that they need to verify that you’re 18 years of age, so they ask
for a valid credit card number to prove that you are.
It could be that they are offering a $1 trial for the first few days of access …
What they don’t reveal in the fine print is that if you don’t cancel in a few
days your card will be billed.
And billed.
And billed.
Great for the porn sites.
Bad for unsuspecting consumers.
30 days later you get your credit card bill and you don’t, ahem, recognize the
charge. What do you do? You ask for a chargeback, of course.
The trickier and more deceptive you are at getting your customers to shell out
their money, the more likely they are to ask for a chargeback.
How to Adapt and Adjust
Ethical marketers still use this kind of tactic in order to make it easier for
consumers to make a buying decision.
Here are some guidelines:
a. Make sure people understand up front what they’re getting into.
If they don’t, they’re just going to complain later. Be up front and honest.
Yes, you can get them to give their credit card for a trial, but you need to
let them know that’s what’s happening.
b. Make a great product.
People ask for chargebacks if they don’t remember the charge. They also do it
if the charge was for a product that sucked.
Don’t suck.
Make products that make people happy and do what you can to take care of your
customer after the sale.
This way you get the best of both worlds. You get the increased sales of
aggressive tactics and you get happy customers.