She was only 21 years of age, from the little city of Albion, Iowa. She had lived there her totally life, and had appeared to be sure she would burn through every Sioux city fence last bit of her perishing days there. Goodness it was a sufficiently pleasant town, and individuals were adequately cordial, however nothing at any point occurred here, and the men, ugh, they were so rough, and they were mildly disappointing by the same token.

A couple of months back she had ventured out with a companion to Sioux City for a short escape. That is where she had met him. He was more established than her, definitely in her 30’s, however she didn’t inquire. He was attractive, enchanting and refined. He just had this look about him that shouted, ‘I’m superior to the rest’.

She cherished conversing with him, and they could talk for quite a long time at a time. Thinking back later on those discussions however, she understood for all the inconspicuous jabbing and pushing she did to figure out more about him, he never truly discussed himself or his past. He had this method of consistently steering the conversation in a different direction, and consistently knew the right words to say to make her giggle and get her psyche on different things.

As this continued over their initial romance, she gradually became concerned. It appeared to be obvious he was concealing something, yet what? She actually had barely any familiarity with him, and didn’t have his home telephone number, nor had been to his place. He guaranteed he didn’t have a home telephone and resided in a little loft he was humiliated of, yet this didn’t check out, as he was very wealthy it appeared.