While you’re shopping in person or online for the best possible pair of goalkeeper gloves there’s no doubt you’ll read about the “glove cuts”. So what are goalkeeper glove cuts? And what cut is the very best for you? Goalkeeper glove cuts describe the way the latex palms and backhand are stitched together at the factory. Keep in mind that your glove will impact the feeling of the soccer ball and your chosen goalkeeper glove cut is always a matter of your personal preference. You could experiment until you find the brand and the cut combination that feels right for you. I would suggest you continue reading and we can help you understand better the difference between the goalkeeper glove cuts. FLAT PALM CUT Basically none of the larger brands produce this cut of goalkeeper gloves anymore at a professional level. It was the very first cut to emerge once the goalkeeper glove trend began to develop in the early 80’s. This glove has a lose feel and is the best cut for starting goalkeepers and young children at their first steps in goal. So, let’s just move on and simply state: “It’s not a competitive cut!” ROLL FINGER CUT A popular Goalkeeper Glove cut. It has been present now for a few years and every leading goalkeeper glove company has at least one model in this specific cut. The latex wraps-rolls all the way round back to front of the fingers. Creating the maximum latex on soccer ball contact providing a solid ball stopping security surface. A Roll Finger Goalkeeper Glove will create a more realistic feel on the hands in comparison with a Negative Cut or the new Hybrid style. NEGATIVE CUT GLOVES This style of Goalkeeper Glove cut creates a tighter feel on your hands and is the preferred cut (combined with German Contact Latex) for professional goalkeeper since 2020. This amazing flat catching surface is internally (negatively) stitched with latex gussets, thus giving the goalkeeper the feeling of an “extra layer of sticky skin”. This style of glove is perfect for the Goalkeeper who likes a tighter fit and more feel on the ball. By far the best cut among all goalkeeper gloves.