Since the beginning of time the armored transportation system has been protecting the most vulnerable to attacks. We’ve had military vehicles that were armored for soldiers since the beginning of the century. The transport of valuables on armored transit vehicles began in the aftermath of World War I, when crimes were extremely high and the wealth of the world required extra security. Nowadays, armored vehicles are more crucial than ever before, and are in use across the globe – including armored police and military vehicles, through SWAT tactical vehicles to cash-in-transit vehicles, to armored cars and armored SUV’s.Autos blindados It’s obvious that when armies SWAT teams, police units banks, retailers ambassadors, as well as celebrities, high-profile entrepreneurs and stars are seeking protected vehicles they’re searching for the most secure and highest quality that is available. This is why individuals and organizations from across the globe select Armored Group. Armored Group – providing the most advanced level of armored transportation security currently available.Camionetas blindadas Cash in Transit Vehicles Police officers and military personnel couldn’t defend us as effectively as the ones they have if had not secured by armored military and police vehicles. SWAT teams also operate in extremely dangerous situations, such as hostage rescues, warrants […]
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