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Discover Ways To Effective SEO Content Writing Today

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3 Article Writing Tips Every Article Writer Needs to Know

Oh boy, here we go again with the same old worn out article writing tips that every article with this type of title gets. Remember bullets and numbering Use short snappy paragraphs Keep your articles between 300 and 500 words in length Yawn!!! Don’t you wish that an article writer would actually be gutsy enough to come out with something fresh to share about article marketing? It’s almost like doing their freelance article writing just to get clicks to their Web projects. Truth is, they are, and so do I. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t bring forth new easy to follow content for article readers to learn from. Actually, that is exactly what I plan to do in this article so keep reading. *** SEO Article Writing *** There are books of information available on SEO article writing, but who has time to read them all? Aren’t we supposed to be writing? It’s Google to the rescue on this one with their Wonder Wheel. Go Google something, anything and in the results on the left side you’ll see a bunch of cool new free tools that Google provides. Scan down the list till you get to the Wonder Wheel. […] read more
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Writing SEO Articles – A Few Simple Tips

You’d think that as long as you are literate, can string a sentence or two together and have a few basic writing skills that article writing would be a fairly simple exercise, right? Wrong – at least when it comes to writing articles for SEO. What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, and is the term which refers to anything which is designed to improve the search page ranking of a website naturally (i.e. without paying for featured positions). How does it apply to writing? Many companies use articles as a supplement to their SEO efforts. The idea is that by keeping a regular blog, article directory or page with plenty of relevant content, search engines will recognise this and send traffic their way. In order to wave the little flag for a search engine however, keywords must be included – meaning that throughout the content, certain words or phrases commonly searched for are placed to set the articles position among Google’s ranks. Ways to improve your SEO article writing Don’t ‘stuff’. Keyword stuffing is one of the worst mistakes an SEO article writer can make. If you think your best shot at SEO writing is by ramming […] read more
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Looking For Job Security? Become a Freelance SEO Article Writer

Why SEO Article Writing? If you recently lost your job or are facing the fear of a layoff, it’s time to take your future into your own hands. No corporate jobs are secure anymore. If you’re trying to figure out what direction to go…becoming a freelance SEO article writer might be the answer for you. The popularity of article marketing has put the SEO writing niche into the spotlight. It’s a fairly new writing niche and it’s hot right now. This could be the time to get your foot in the door… why? Once you get clients and they know they can depend on you…they’ll keep pushing writing projects your way and eventually you’ll have more than you can handle. All you have to do is write quality work, make deadlines and prove yourself – then the work will continue to flow. What is SEO writing? SEO stands for search engine optimization. This niche involves writing SEO articles in a way that incorporates keywords that help drive traffic to a website. It’s quick, easy to do, and you can make a living at it if you work hard. (Yes, you do have to work.) You don’t need lots of writing […] read more
0 Views : 379

Increase Website Ranking – Tips For Using Article Writing And Website Content For Driving Traffic

Website owners keen on increasing their website rankings and earning targeted traffic that converts well (into customers) need to understand the basics of top SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques, like quality website content writing and article writing. Simply put, SEO is the science of online marketing, which helps increase the web visibility of a site or blog, so it can easily be found by prospects looking for related products, services or information. Thus, good SEO practises help increase a website’s popularity by matching it with potential customers. Importance Of Website SEO With millions of web sites being launched on the Internet everyday, it is crucial for a new online business owner to plan, implement and manage website SEO, so that at least some of the 98% traffic typically directed from major search engines, like Google and Yahoo, lands up on his website, courtesy the proper use of SEO web content and SEO article writing. With growing Internet connectivity and the ease of conducting online searches on the net, most people prefer going online to search for information. It is also true that most people don’t have either the time, or the patience to sift through thousands of possible matches that […] read more
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Article Writing SEO Tutorials Tips For Beginners Plus Continuing Web Content Creators

Regarding article writing SEO (Search Engine Optimization), no matter how far along you are in the business of Internet entrepreneurial content creation, there is no doubt that you often run into idiosyncrasies, inconsistencies, and otherwise unexpected challenges or problems with procuring, producing, plus publishing your online content. With the currently growing and soon-to-be popular strategy of Web 2.0 link wheels, for example, it becomes instantly apparent that you literally need GOBS of high quality, non-repetitive content to effectively market your message, motto, product, or service, both individually and inclusively. Presently, the primary medium for beginners and even highly experienced, seasoned, online author enterprisers is article marketing — particularly by way of article writing SEO content. Today’s tutorials-tips recommendation focuses upon the one aspect that can make article marketing truly effective according to your specific skills, resources, and preferences. On that note, regarding personality and resourcefulness, perhaps this is a good place to highlight the fact that when Internet marketing strategy “gurus” make suggestions or write e-books and online instruction packages that tell you to handle your web task-work and content creation in a certain way, you need to nearly ALWAYS keep in mind how one shoe size seldom ever fits […] read more
0 Views : 466

SEO Article Writing – Earning $1 Per Subscriber

If you really want to be profitable online you must be willing to work harder and carry out more techniques that the average webmaster. Let’s take a look at what you can achieve if you follow this recommendation. Suppose you have a tight niche website and for your chosen set of keywords there are no less than 100,000 searches online each month. Let’s also assume that the surfers for your particular niche spend quite a bit of money online thus making your hypothetical niche reasonably profitable to market in. Now what you need to do is get your fair share of those monthly searches. You probably don’t really need that many. If you are in the right niche you should be able to generate $1 per month per unique visitor that comes to your site. Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit […] read more
0 Views : 492

What is SEO Article Writing? – SEO Copywriting Explained

Many freelancers have questions about what is SEO; what is SEO copywriting; what is SEO writing. This article explains – in detail – what this is. And, how to make money from it as a freelance writer. What is SEO? SEO is an acronym for the phrase “search engine optimization.” Search engine optimization is all about doing specific things to your website to drive more traffic to it so that you can increase online sales – and traffic. What are some of these “things?” There are many, but here we will discuss what it is as it applies to freelance writers. And, this means writing text in a certain way so that web surfers (ie, internet users) can land on a particular site. What is SEO As It Relates to Freelance Writers? What freelance writers need to be concerned with is keywords. What are keywords? Keywords are the words and phrases that web surfers type in when they search for things online. For example, let’s say you were interested in starting a foreclosure cleanup business. You may not know anything about it other than foreclosures are hot in the news right now and you are interested in starting this kind […] read more
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SEO Article Writing – 4 Quick Steps to Begin Writing Articles

Writing articles can be profitable, if you know how to write well. You also need to have the determination to be able to write everyday. If you are thinking about writing articles and would like help with this there are 4 quick steps to begin writing articles that you should read and digest. 1. Choose a good place to write. As most writers will now use PCs to write on this will mean having a desktop computer or laptop, a desk and a chair as a bare minimum. Make sure wherever you write is comfortable and is somewhere that you can have a little peace and quiet. 2. Research your articles. If you get a request for articles on subject you are not familiar with you will need to research it. Make sure you only note down the points that are relevant to the topic and don’t spend too long reading up on a topic. Keep all of your notes for future reference as you never know when you will need to refer back to them. 3. Think about bullet points. Some articles work well when they are written in bullet point form. Articles that are on the advantages of […] read more
0 Views : 503

SEO Article Writing – Can Articles Create a Home Business For You?

Yes, of course they can. Anyone who wants to spend more time with their family or have the freedom to choose their own hours might want to seriously consider starting a home business. One of the issues with this traditionally has been that many businesses that are home based are franchises. These require quite a large investment from individuals who want to work from home and this can put a lot of people off. Right now however there are more people who are wondering can articles create a home business? Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article There is no real definitive answer to this as it very much depends on whether or not a person can write enough articles each day to generate sufficient traffic. If a person can only manage around 1500 words per day, which is […] read more
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