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Easy SEO Article Writing Basics For You

Are you writing articles for the Web? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is fundamental — here are four tips which will help you to learn this skill. Firstly, let’s look at why SEO is important: SEO helps your articles to be found. People looking for information use the Web search engines, which are basically indexing software. Therefore, you need to include the search terms — the keywords — for which people are searching in your articles to ensure that the articles are found. 1. Choose Your Primary Keyword With Care If you’re writing Web articles for a buyer, you’ll usually be given a set of keywords to target (include) in your articles. But what if you’re writing articles for yourself? In this case, you need to create your own keyword list. For each article, choose a primary keyword. (Only one.) You’ll include this keyword in the article title, as well as in the first paragraph of the article. You can also choose a secondary keyword if you wish. However, once you’ve chosen your primary keyword, just focus on writing an excellent article. 2. Write an Excellent Article — Be Original You must also remember your article’s readers. So your article must […] read more
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SEO, Article Writing, and the Quest for the Google Grail

You want more potential customers to your website. You want more back links to your website. You want better position in the natural search engine results. You want your products or services to become better know and your brand name to be recognized. All of these things are possible with a little work and the right knowledge. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques fill countless books being sold on the Internet and there are hundreds of companies and individuals who make a living selling their expertise in this area. The SEO experts will tell you about on-page optimization, meta tags, keyword density and internal link structure. They will also tell you about off-page optimization, back links, relevant links, reciprocal links, high PR links. All of this information is important and should be addressed in your overall SEO endeavors. You want to cover all the bases in your goal to reach the front page of search results in the big 3 search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN) for your most important keywords. But of all the techniques used for SEO, the most important today, are the back links or incoming links you have to your website. Your SEO endeavors will succeed or […] read more
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SEO Article Writing: How Can I Get A Higher Ranking For My Articles In Google?

I get the best questions from readers about doing article submissions, and this is one that I’ve received several times from different people. They want to know how to get a consistently high search engine ranking and PageRank for their articles in Google, as they’ve noticed their articles can start off with a high ranking, but then they lose traction over time. I’m glad to answer this question, as it gives me the chance to clear up a common misconception with article marketing–that it’s the articles themselves that you’re trying to get a high ranking for. To clarify, what you’re really shooting for is a high ranking for your own website when people search for keywords associated with your site, rather than the articles themselves. The articles are just a tool–you’re using your free reprint articles to get a higher ranking for your website. The articles themselves will not necessarily get or maintain a high ranking. If they do it’s wonderful, but really it’s icing on the cake and shouldn’t contribute to your measurement of your success. By the way, in case you’re wondering why your articles start out strong in Google (and the other search engines) and then lose […] read more
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SEO Article Writing: 5 Reasons Why Keyword Research Is Addictive!

You’ve probably heard about how crucial keyword research can be for your article marketing success, but like many people you may be intimidated at the thought of figuring out what your keywords are. When I first heard about keywords I was intrigued, but overwhelmed because I just wasn’t familiar with the terminology. I thought it would be like doing calculus or physics–really cerebral and technical. Despite my misgivings, I started out by doing a free trial at one of the major keyword research tools, and I was shocked at how enjoyable it was. It was almost addictive–I could barely tear myself away from doing the research. I wanted to share this information with you in case you’re submitting articles and you feel like you don’t want to do research for keywords because it sounds hard. I promise, it’s not. It’s actually really fun. Here are 5 reasons why doing keyword research is addictive: 1 – It’s like mind reading. Have you ever wondered what your potential customers are thinking as they search for things on the web? When you do keyword research you’ll have that information as cold hard facts right before you. It’s like you’re able to read the […] read more
0 Views : 393

SEO Article Writing – How to Create an Article Blueprint – Part II

Let’s continue with the sample body of the article: 1. B) Sprouts are organic. They contain no fumigants, pesticides or chemicals. You can trust that they are pure because they need no external additives, just water. C) Sprouts are very economical. Seeds can produce six to 15 times their weight. Seeds that yield 26 cents per pound is fantastic economy. D) Sprouts are available every single day of the week, every season of the year, from Alaska to Zimbabwe. These live foods can be enjoyed anywhere and at any time. E) Even a child can grow a weekly supply of sprouts. You just need to add water to the sprouts and keep them in a cool, warm place. Soil, tools and green fingers not required. Two paragraphs or sentences as conclusion of your article. I’m going to use another example, this time, using article marketing as a topic. “Discover the Secrets to Article Marketing – 5 Ways to Make Your Articles Captivating”. 1) One or two paragraphs or sentences as introduction. 2) Three or four supporting ideas for the body of your article: A)A plan. B)Your title. C)Giving away information. D)Here are some ideas. E)Vocabulary. 3) One or two paragraphs […] read more
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SEO Article Writing – Using Different Types of Keywords in Articles and Resource Boxes

You’ve done your keyword research and are trying to figure out how to use your keywords in your articles. What are you supposed to do with the words in your list in respect to your articles? Do you just use all of your keywords in the same way, or are there different types of keywords that have different functions in your article marketing campaign? These are great questions, and when you understand the two different types of keywords and how they work, your article marketing strategy will be transformed. The first type of keyword phrase is one you’re probably familiar with: the two word phrase that is very popular in your niche. This type of phrase is very competitive, meaning that many people are searching for it and many website owners are also targeting it as well. So, you have high demand and high supply. It is more difficult to rank highly for these terms since there is so much competition. These shorter competitive terms will be part of your long term strategy for increasing your website’s ranking for those particular phrases. You would use these special two word phrases in your resource boxes. With each article that you submit, […] read more
0 Views : 380

SEO Article Writing – How to Write an Article in the Next 5 Minutes

Firstly you will need to write the title of your topic. Let’s say your niche is yoga and you know all there is to know about this niche. A quick and easy title might be: “Feel Totally Relaxed in 5 Minutes of Yoga”. Great title. So now you need to write the procedure that someone should take in order to become totally relaxed in five minutes flat. You know this information inside and out. You teach this information all day in your yoga classes and now its time to get it down on paper. Here are the steps. #1 Find a clock, timer or use your watch. You are going to have to write for a period of 5 minutes without stopping and using some kind of count down device is important. #2 Begin to write. You must write for ten minutes flat without stopping on your chosen topic. The faster you write the better your result. Do not stop to make corrections. Do not stop to correct spelling mistakes. Just keep typing or writing. After 5 minutes you must stop. #3 What you are likely to find is some of the best writing you have ever done. You see […] read more
0 Views : 382

SEO Article Writing – Latest Amazing Ways to Amplify Your SEO Article Writing Part 2

1. Learn LSI technique. Latent Semantic Indexing is now the fastest way to the hearts of major search engines particularly Google. As these engines are very much aware of article writers who are producing content just to add keyword power to their website, these engines also take into consideration the terms that are synonyms to the keywords that are being targeted. Learn the ropes of LSI technique by simply reading relevant blogs, articles, ezines, and even ebooks. The time you spend learning this technique will surely worth it as this will help you get your articles to appear on the first page of the search page results. 2. Keyword density. If you think that Google will rank your articles higher if you use your keywords on each of your sentences, think again. Search engines simply hate keyword abuser so be assured that this will not take you further in this field. What you can do is limit the number of your keywords and just place them strategically on your content; on places where search spiders can easily see them. 3. Highlight your keywords. If you’re going to post your articles on your blog or website, I recommend that you highlight […] read more
0 Views : 398

SEO Article Writing – Get Your Articles in the Top 10 Positions

So, what’s so special about search engine optimization? Well, when someone searches online for a particular item, let’s say computers, they will be presented with a list of search results from Yahoo!, MSN, Google or whichever search engine service they happen to be using. Now, on the first page of the search results, you will find the top 10 results. On the next page, the second page, you will find another set of 10 results, and this will carry on until all the results are presented. Now, it is a well-known fact that most people will never click onto the second page. They will never click past the first page or any other page for that matter. They are most likely to find exactly what they are looking for on the first page. So again, if they are looking for some aspect of computers, it is very likely that they will find the information they require on page 1. It is vitally important, then, that your website shows up on the first page of any search engine result. And the closer you are to the number one spot, the better because if anyone finds what they are looking for in […] read more
0 Views : 409

SEO Article Writing – 5 Tips in Writing Search Engine-Friendly Articles

Now that you have built your own website, the next thing that you need to do is to think of ways on how you it will fare well on search engine ranking. There are so many ways to do this but the best one is to load it up with keyword-rich articles. Here’s how you can write search engine-friendly web articles: 1. Choose your topics. It’s a must that you stick with topics that are related to the theme of your website or to the products that you sell otherwise, you’ll confuse search spiders when they try to analyze your content. If you’re selling SEO services, stick with topics that are related to search engine optimization. By doing this, search engines will make your website available on their listing each time the term SEO or search engine optimization is searched by your target market. 2. Use LSI technique. This is one effective SEO technique. It works by identifying the terms that are synonymous to the keywords that you’re targeting. This helps search spiders in quickly understanding the content of your site. 3. Proper placement. Help search spiders in easily finding your keywords by placing them on your titles, on your […] read more
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