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How SEO Article Marketing Can Help You Grow Your Coaching Business – Tips for Coaches

More and more business owners are now taking their business online. This is not only because internet marketing is far more cost-effective compare to traditional advertising campaigns but also because using the internet will mean widening your reach by at least tenfold. So, if you’re offering any type of coaching programs right now, you better start using the internet to your advantage. Promoting your services in the online arena is the best thing that you can do to grow your sales. There are so many ways to promote your coaching programs but the most effective and the most cost-efficient tool to use is definitely SEO article marketing. If this is the first time that you’ve heard of this term, let me explain it to you first. This is the process of writing and distributing keyword-rich, unique articles to different websites (the most commonly used are article directories). The goal here is to expose these articles to your target audience. These people will open and read your articles if you promise to offer them with real value. Once that happens, you’ll have the chance to drive them to your website or blog through the help of your resource box that you […] read more
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5 Effective SEO Article Submission Secrets for Coaches

So, you’ve decided to offer your coaching programs in the online arena. First, let me tell you that this could be the best thing that you can do in growing your business. This is because this will allow you to reach out to thousands, even millions of people from across the globe who might get interested on what you sell. After building your website or your blog, the next thing that you need to think about is how to promote your website and how to attract enormous traffic. Right now, there’s no better way to promote product awareness and to secure stronger online presence than SEO article submission. SEO article submission is the process of writing and distributing short, informative, and keyword-rich articles. These will help you get your prospects to pay attention by giving them the kind of information that they’re looking for. Below are some of the most effective SEO article writing and submission tips to keep in mind to maximize the benefits that it can offer: Master the ropes of SEO article writing. Here’s the truth; you will not possibly learn the ins and outs of SEO article writing by reading just a couple of articles. To […] read more
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Writing a Good SEO Article Is All About Resource Links

Have you ever written an SEO article that you thought would win the Pulitzer Prize, only to find out two weeks later that about 2000 people have seen and read it but you’re still not making any money? Are you on the verge of tears because lots of people have put in links to THEIR articles as comments to your articles and are actually reaping the benefits that should be going to YOU? Then STOP AND READ THIS, because this is information that you’re not likely to find all over the internet. First of all, remember that the keywords you choose will rule the pageviews you get. Unless you have an established website that already has several hundred or thousand readers, the only way you’re going to get massive traffic is if you use the right keywords to get them there in the first place. Since an SEO article is all about getting ranked on search engines, the more relevant the keywords are to your content and the blog, site, product or service you are promoting, the more ‘hits’ you are likely to receive and the higher your final ranking will be for the article’s webpage. But (and you should […] read more
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Unique Article Writing Tips That Can Turn Your Website Into a Money-Making Machine!

While there are thousands to millions of articles published everyday to promote products and services, the competition among article writers and business owners online is indeed very tough. And with this strong competition, how can your articles get picked up by any major search engine like Google and Yahoo and get at the top of the search engines’ results page? Here are some simple but powerful article writing tips that has helped me attract a surprisingly large amount of traffic to my website. Unique Article That Goes Beyond Passing Plagiarism Tests Unique article is king. Perhaps if you are into article marketing, you might have already heard that phrase. But what really is a unique article? Today, while the number of online businesses continues to grow, the need for article writers has also increased. More and more article writers have offered their services online. The problem, though, is that many of them do not really know what a unique article is. For them, articles that simply pass plagiarism check software like CopyScape are already unique. Unfortunately, search engines’ definition of uniqueness actually goes further than just passing any plagiarism check. If you write articles that simply re-echo what other article […] read more
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Professional Article Writing Services For Websites Bring Results

A website integrates a variety of written forms for the sake of product promotion and information sharing. Even though these forms had been incorporated in the past (at the time when the internet was first launched) only for these two purposes, in modern times they have much broader value than that. Different forms of creative pieces like articles, blogs, newsletters, fliers, brochures, web pages etc. are now incorporated in a website in a very appealing manner and these also work as a right means to attract the much needed traffic. For SEO purposes as well, these creative inputs can be extremely result-oriented. Among all these, article copy-writing has been deemed to be the most frequently exercised practice as far as the creative part of a website is concerned. While writing an article for a particular site or for an article submission portal, the writer needs to understand the necessity of the write-up first before coining it. The present day web culture offers you to write on a wide spectrum of verticals. But if you are to attract visitors to your site through these literally pieces you need to know what are the prime crowd pullers and where to sell them. […] read more
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SEO Article Submission – How to Attract Quality Traffic Through SEO and Information Distribution

As a webmaster, your number one goal should be to attract as much traffic as possible. There’s no way that you can generate enough sales if there are only few people who are checking out your website. One of the best ways to attract more interested parties is through SEO article writing and submission. This is a proven technique in getting website to show up on relevant listings. This will increase your chances of making your articles easier to find online. As you know, this is the key to increase the number of your page views. Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Here’s how you can attract quality traffic through SEO and information distribution: Be choosy with your topics. Be a very smart SEO article marketer by carefully choosing the topics that you’re going to discuss in your […] read more
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SEO Article Writer – Quit Your Job and Work From Home

If you’re a very good SEO article writer and if you’re tired of your 9am-5pm job, now is the best time to start a career in freelance SEO article writing. The demand for SEO articles is at its all time-high as more and more people are leaning towards using SEO article marketing in growing their ebusiness. Working from home can offer you with many benefits. Unlike with your regular job, you don’t need to wake up 6 in the morning everyday and drive at least an hour to get to your office. You also won’t feel guilty about leaving your child and spending 8 hours working away from him/her. If you decide to work at home, you’ll have the freedom to choose your working hours. You can write when your child is asleep. You can even work in your pajamas! Working from home will allow you to have yourself as your own boss. Not only that, you’ll also have direct control as to how much you’re going to earn. A friend of mine, who decided to become a freelance SEO article writer, earns as much as $3,000 per month. You can also do the same as long as you have […] read more
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SEO Article Writer – How to Make Money Online

Do you have exceptional article writing and SEO skills? Then, you are in the best position to make lots of money in the online arena. With your skills, there’s no doubt that you can easily attract people and you can easily influence their buying decisions. Here’s how you can start making money in the World Wide Web: 1. First, decide as to how you’ll make money online. Basically, you have 3 options. You have the option to start your own ebusiness and sell your own products, you can be an affiliate marketer and make commissions each time you make a sale, and you can be a freelance SEO article writer. Each option has its own pros and cons. I suggest that you carefully study each one and weight your options very carefully. 2. Promote your website and attract more traffic. If you decide to build your own business, you will need to promote your website to promote awareness. After that, you will need to generate as much traffic as possible. You can do this by writing and distributing articles on ezines and various directories. The key here is producing as many articles as possible and making sure that they’re all […] read more
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Article Writing For SEO – Uncover 4 Easy Ways For Writing SEO Articles

A lot of people, particularly those who are just on the planning stage of their internet marketing campaign, feel overwhelmed with the thought of writing SEO articles. Most of them feel that this is something that can only be done by the experts. Well, let me tell you that SEO article writing is a very simple task. All you need to do is to know how you can do it and how you can do it right. These tips will help you do just that: 1. Read about SEO article writing. You’ll be happy to know that right now, there are thousands of reputable websites and blogs about this topic. Most of these sites are being run by SEO gurus so you can be assured that you’ll get high grade quality information. 2. Learn how to use keyword suggestion tools. Before you write your articles, get to know the keywords that you need to target on your articles first. You can do this by using Google’s keyword suggestion tool. Don’t worry as this one is very easy to use. Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit article Submit […] read more
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Article Writing For SEO – 4 Efficient Methods to Write SEO Articles

Aside from your target readers, you also need to keep Google and other search engines in mind when writing your articles. You would want to write your copies based on the algorithms of these engines so your articles will show up on relevant searches. This will make it easier for your readers to find your articles online. Here’s how you can write SEO articles: 1. Learn SEO article writing. You’ll be happy to know that you can now get all the information you need about SEO article writing online. Right now, there are so many ezines, blogs, websites, ebooks, and articles that offer useful SEO tips and techniques. Make sure that you read as many as possible. 2. Keyword research. Before you start writing, figure out the keywords that you need to target on your articles. Instead of doing the guessing game, make the process well-guided by using keyword suggestion tools. These tools will generate list of terms and phrases that you need to convert to article topics. You will also need to use these terms on your content. 3. LSI technique. So as not to make your articles sound redundant, identify and use the words that are synonymous to […] read more
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