As all of us know, planet Earth provides us with air, food, and all other things that we need as well as being the only place where we can live and that’s why living ecological is so important and ecology is so important.


Ecology is the science gives us insight into how nature and people depend on one another, and predictions can be made about human activities affecting the health of the environment over time. Those predictions are not always positive and that’s why we have duty to care about natural environment and not to abuse the resources of the Earth and nature.

In this article, I would like to show you a few reasons why living in an ecological way is important and how we can do it:


Reduce of using electric energy

The first and the easiest step we can do to live eco-friendly is to switch off electrical devices which stay on standby in your home. In this way, you can save electric energy, and reduce your carbon footprint. 

This action will your small step on the way to rescue the planet, and also you will get a lower energy bills.


Don’t waste food

Every year, a million tonnes of food in the UK is wasted (as show us experts). 

Don’t make this number any bigger by wasting food that you buy, and don’t waste your money. If someday will happen that some food from your fridge just go too far by its ‘use by’ date, never throw it away to the bin but choose to compost it. This will create natural fertilizer, and you can use it in your garden or give to someone who have a garden.

This way, you will create the less CO2.



If your house or flat use individual system of heating, I would like to give you a suggestion about solar panels and  biomass boiler to delivery heating and hot water to household.

Both system are effective to let you save money and reduce emission of fumes and CO2.

Biomass boilers, like every device, have their advantages and disadvantages, but always they are eco-friendly.

Biomass boilers are highly recommended if you are living in the village.

The advantages of biomass boiler are:

  • Low operating costs. Biomass fuel is the cheapest on the market
  • Convenience. Biomass boilers are easy to operation and one or two time per year, biomass boiler need maintenance by engineer specialist and that’s all.
  • Cleanliness. A biomass boiler is clean as the biomass is clean and the burning of the biomass produces a pleasant wood smell. 
  • Ecology – biomass is clean fuel, it is 100% renewable and is called green energy. 



Buy and wear organic cotton clothes

By wearing clothing made from organic cotton, you are promoting farming that minimizes soil erosion, creates healthy ground, and is minimizing health risks for humans and animals. Organic cotton clothes also feel better on the skin as you won’t get any allergies or skin sensitivities from them.


Buy and use an electric car

If your budget let you buy an electric car, do it. Electric car don’t use petrol or diesel and don’t create pollution. Mostly, car are charged by electric energy made of renewable energy.

The biggest and obvious benefit of the electric car is the lowest running cost. 


Cut out plastic from your life

At this moment, plastic almost everywhere, and create a big problem for the planet.

It is many ways to reduce plastic from life, for example, you can use your own canvas bags when going shopping, buy fruit and vegetables loose, don’t buy bottled water and more and more similar actions.



By recycle all what possible is to recycle, you contribute in a massive way to reduce a large amount of waste. 

Peoples should know that almost everything is recyclable. From paper to batteries to cars. 

Before throwing something out, think what you can send to recycle. If you are not sure, always you can ask specialist from house clearance company or go to read information from Internet.

Specialists from house clearance will exactly know what to do with things you want to get rid of. They will check what among your rubbish is to recycle or to reuse and the rest of rubbish they will remove in responsibly way. 

Recycling is most important to live in eco-friendly way.