The problem with Mass Marketing is that with torrential information biding for the consumer’s attention, marketers need to do something drastic app developer in malaysia to get the attention of their target audience – they need to interrupt our train of thought and bring our attention to their advertisement. But what is Interruption Marketing?

Television, Radio and many other types Techies App Technologies Sdn Bhd of conventional advertisements are considered to be within the ambit of Interruption Marketing because…well, they tend to intercept our usual train of thought to bring our attention to their ad. Commercial breaks disrupt your focus on a movie in an effort to sell you something.

In newspapers, advertisements are slotted in between articles or sometimes in the same article so that you ‘can’t quite miss it’. You are in a rush to get to work and someone stops you in order to sell you Maxis, Celcom, Digi or Streamyx broadband packages. While having lunch, someone approaches your table to sell you pirated DVDs, key chains or a torch. Or when you are listening to, or Mix FM and you get interrupted by a commercial. How about when you open up your email inbox and see SPAM messages?

All these are taking up much of your personal, valuable time or your company’s time. Time is, as we all know this, is money.

There are many other examples of interruption marketing and they include:-

1. TV channels
2. Radio channels
3. Newspapers
4. Magazines
5. Brochures
6. Flyers
7. Leaflets
8. Business cards
9. Websites
10. Social Networking sites
11. Email SPAM (comes in the form of interruption marketing or permission marketing – that is a separate issue we will discuss later)

I have said that I will give you examples of local companies that fervently and shamelessly interrupt us when we are in the middle of something.

The Star Online

The Star Online or Offline make use of interruption marketing regularly but what is most annoying are the online ads that ‘pops’ out into our screen to a point that the ad almost covers the entire screen. By visiting their website, my main intention is to read the news, instead, I am forced to read the advertisements too, giving us no other choice but to search for the ‘close’ button to click on.