You might have gone through several articles, blogs, reads, and other content on the internet carrying useful information relating to the basic functioning of crypto wallets. There is a wide range of crypto wallets that has made a significant place in the crypto realm, but among all of them, one such well-recognized, reliable, and secure wallet is the MetaMask. I’m pretty sure that you are well aware of this wallet. It is often taken as a synonym for the crypto wallet. Whether we talk of a novice investor or an intermediary one, this wallet ranks among the top picks. The articles that you might have gone through have given you a rough idea about the basic tasks of this wallet, but with this read, we will try to draw a clear picture of how to send the token with a MetaMask log in.  So, with a drop of a hat, let’s learn the steps of sending tokens from your crypto wallet.  Milestones to send tokens from the MetaMask  In this section of the read, we will learn the steps of how to send the tokens with MetaMask log in through its mobile app, and they are as summarized below: Open the […] read more