The reality is that Christianity is in decline in the United States. Multiple surveys indicate this. In 2020, according to church castro valley Gallup, church membership fell below 50% for the first time in US history. In many ways, this is lagging indicator.  The generation most disaffected by Christianity are young people. Gen Z is the most non-religious generation in US history, with nearly 50% identifying themselves as “non-religious.” The old strategies of evangelism programs and community outreach events are increasingly less effective in a culture that sees Christian morality as retrograde. New churches, with their energy and castro valley church dynamism, are uniquely positioned to reach unbelievers. Particularly Reformed and Presbyterian churches that have a more robust theological tradition. Castro Valley is about 4% churched. 96% of Castro Valley residents don’t attend church. Think about that for a moment. Jesus said, “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray to the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers.” We don’t need less churches, we need more. Pray to the Lord for more Christian churches in Castro Valley and the Bay Area.