Keeping up with new digital marketing trends is necessary to succeed in online marketing.
Being early to these strategies helps you stay competitive and reach your audience effectively
before everyone else catches on. Let’s read about the top 10 digital marketing trends in the

  1. Voice SEO

Many people use digital assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant to search the
internet without using their hands. Consider how people might ask for your business using
voice commands this year. Instead of typing “Italian restaurants in Chicago” into a search
engine, they might ask, “What’s a good Italian restaurant in Chicago?” It’s a good idea to
ensure your business shows up when people ask questions like that.

  1. In-feed Shopping

If you sell things online, you might know about those clickable posts on social media where
you can buy things straight from the picture. You can do that on Facebook and Instagram by
connecting your accounts to your online store.

Google Ads also has something similar called shopping campaigns. These ads look like
pictures in people’s feeds, so take them straight to your online store. You can choose
keywords, pick where your ad appears, and even limit the many available items. And if
something sells out, Google can take down the ad for you.

  1. Push Notifications

This tool helps you send quick reminders, digital receipts, or special offers to your customers’
phones. In 2021, many people will use mobile phones, so most of your customers will have
one. Push notifications let you talk directly to them on their phones.
You can send them personalized messages on their screen or in text messages. This is a neat
way to stay in touch and inform them about excellent deals or appointments.

  1. SMS Marketing

Do you want to talk directly to your customers on their phones? Try sending them text
messages! SMS marketing lets you contact them with special deals or messages like push
notifications and emails. But remember, they have to say “yes” first.
You can send them promotions, coupons, or personal notes. Keep them short, and tell your
customers they can say “stop” if they don’t want to get these messages anymore.

  1. Video Marketing

People love watching videos online, especially on Facebook. You can join in by making your
video ads. There are a couple of ways to do this.
Creating YouTube videos helps to reach your target audience. You can also create short
videos for platforms like TikTok and other social media sites. Use popular hashtags so people
can find your videos easily.

If making videos isn’t your thing, try over-the-top (OTT) advertising. These are quick ads,
just 10 to 15 seconds long, that play before other videos. It’s a great way to catch people’s
attention while watching something else.

  1. Email Marketing/Segmentation

People care about privacy online, so respect your email subscribers. When you send emails,
split your list into different groups and send personalized emails to each group.
This way, you can give everyone something they find helpful. Be friendly with your email
campaigns, and always make it easy for people to stop receiving them if they want.

  1. Interactive Content

People enjoy talking with brands on social media. Interactive content lets you have real-time
chats with your followers.
Platforms like Instagram Live and Facebook Live allow people to chat with you while
making your video. Use this to talk to your customers. You could have a live Q&A session or
show off your products. Tell people about your event a few weeks early to get more people
involved. Make sure your setup is suitable for a great event.

  1. Conversational Marketing

Another big thing online is conversational marketing. This means using chatbots, AI helpers,
and other tools so your customers can quickly contact you. It’s good for helping customers,
getting new leads, and answering questions.

With conversational marketing, your customers can talk to a bot through text messages or a
chat platform, helping them solve their problems quickly. This lets you be constantly
available without having to answer every call and email yourself. And if your customers need
to talk to a natural person, chats can be sent to a call center or

  1. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing utilizes the popularity and trust of social media personalities to promote
products. By partnering with influencers, brands can reach a wider audience and generate
authentic engagement. With billions spent in this industry annually, it’s a powerful strategy
for connecting with consumers in today’s digital age.

10.Privacy and Cookies

Google wants to make the internet safer by eliminating tracking cookies from other
companies on its websites. Some browsers have already stopped supporting these cookies.
This change might affect how ads appear on websites because they will have less information
to target them.

But don’t worry! Google and other companies are finding new ways to show ads while
keeping your information private. Tracking cookies won’t completely disappear until 2023.
To adjust your online ads, try using specific words and advertising on websites that make
sense for your ads.

If you want to be an online marketer, now is a great time to start a career in digital marketing.
Finprov’s digital marketing training helps people to know more about digital marketing. Our
program ensures learners understand how to use digital marketing strategies to grow
businesses. It covers essential topics like what digital marketing is, how to use Google and its
tools, running digital ads on different platforms, improving digital marketing methods, and
understanding popular tools and metrics.

Finprov focuses on giving both theory and hands-on practice. This helps learners use what
they’ve learned effectively, improve business results, and open up more job opportunities.