When a massage is first mentioned, a lot of people assume that it’s a luxury or a spa treatment, but it’s become an imperative part in any Sports Massage Brighton athletic training regimen. Massage also isn’t just for off-season training, during the season it can help to prevent injuries, boost performance, and reduce training pains. Massage therapy has become an essential part of any athletic training regimen, ranging from sports medicine clinics to college athletic training programs, to Olympic training programs and professional sports team training. Increasing numbers of athletic trainers and sports medicine specialists worldwide believe that massage provides an additional edge to athletes participating in high performance sports.

A complete workout encompasses not only the sports therapy Brighton exercise itself, but also caring for the minor injuries and deterioration that naturally occurs in the body with strenuous activities. Anyone who regularly extends their physical limits through movement such as running, cycling, hiking, swimming, football, basketball, dancing, tennis, strength training and any other sort of aerobic activity can benefit from a massage. Integrating massage into any training or conditioning program because it lessens stiffness and soreness, and helps you to recover faster from heavy workouts, and relieves conditions which may cause injury.

What Is A Sports Massage?
Typically, a sports massage is an amalgamation of several massage techniques that are customized to your affected muscle groups based on the athletic activities that you perform. There are two types of sports massage that benefit athletes, depending on where you are in your training and competition season, and when you schedule your appointment.

If you have a race or competition coming up, you will want to receive a lighter massage. Light massage work will flush your system and help with recovery, relaxation and pain reduction. Deep massage work can change your muscle structure and muscle memory, which you’d want to avoid doing before any major event.

If you’re in between events and have specific problem areas, then during your session, you’d want to work on those specific areas with deep tissue work. Deep tissue work focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue, and is recommended for individuals who experience constant pain, are involved in heavy physical activity, such as athletes, and people who have sustained physical injury.