As you may know, there are many genres of porn that may seem a little too extreme to the average porn consumer but I won‘t go into them right PornSoda now. Suffice it to say we can’t put that genie back into the bottle: those genres have acquired their own following, and they’re here to stay. What you can do as someone who watches porn (and here is where I advocate techniques that have worked for me in the past) is try to regress – so to speak – back to a prior state of mind where your typical run-of-the-mill vanilla sex is wholly satisfying.

Part of the addict’s problem is that it’s not taboo to look at the naked human form anymore. And your basic ma-and-pa sex (I can see you reaching for the brain scrubber that’ll wipe that mental image away) loses luster. However, remember – for those of you who can relate – when you were growing up into adult hood and just the images you saw in a dirty magazine was enough to get you going? The reason was because at that age, it was kind of taboo for you to see such things and the thought that you were doing something you shouldn’t have been doing was thrilling.

Fast forward to the present day. The internet is such a vast place that contains a veritable erotic buffet. Sexually, there’s nothing you can’t find in cyberspace, there’s practically nothing you can’t see that’s worth seeing. For all intents and purposes, there’s nothing you should not be seeing, there’s nothing forbidden. Where’s the fun in that?Now if you are1. of an extremely conservative religious view; and2. if you believe that pornography in any way, shape, or form is just wrong; and3. if you believe that the only way to deal with porn is to quit cold turkey;then the solutions I’m about to suggest do not apply to you. I am addressing those addicts who hold the more mainstream notion that there is nothing wrong with witnessing a healthy adult human body – of either gender if you are so inclined – and viewing sexual activities between consenting adults.

Before I suggest two courses of action to the porn junkie, allow me to put you in a certain mindset by making an observation. Like I said before, an integral part of mankind’s nature is to want that which is taboo and forbidden. So, under certain circumstances, it’s okay not to be sexually aroused by an otherwise beautiful woman (speaking to the straight male) that you would normally be attracted to. A lot of men seem to think that if they can‘t get it up for a gorgeous woman then something is wrong with them, and they need to move on to something that‘ll get them aroused.. But times of non-arousal are just part of the human experience and being born of flesh. Desires of the flesh eventually get sated.

For instance, if you’ve just eaten a four-course meal and you’re not hungry anymore, are you going to start perusing food menus in hopes of feeling hungry again? Most likely not. And finding that that menu is not making you hungry, you’re not going to look at menus with more mouth-watering pictures. What you do is push back from the restaurant table and go about your business until the time comes when you’re naturally hungry again, whenever that time might be. So if you’re dealing with a internet porn fixation, push back from the desk and step away from the computer every once in a while.